Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Did I just start a blog?!

Hello world!! As I sit here trying to understand how I'm suddenly motivated to start a blog, I come to the conclusion that its to have a voice. We as humans have an innate need for both acceptance and to feel heard. Though we have friends, family, co-workers or whatever, we can still feel as is we aren't heard. Everyone needs somewhere for their voice to be heard. We feel we have something relevant to say, hence books, magazines, the social media explosion. This blog, I'm hoping will be my voice, my outlet for what I feel I have to say, cause I think I am way past keeping a journal. Thanks to anyone who subscribes, at best, hopefully my life's lessons, misadventures and experimentation serve as a means to inspire to make your voice heard; otherwise the crazy twists and turns my life takes will at least serve as some entertaining reading.